Legal Services

Property Taxes - Taxation of Natural and Legal Persons

For all issues of taxation of our esteem customers we conduct a detailed analysis of the situation and advise them for the best action, suitable to their own benefit.

Public Law -Public Works

The years of on the job activation to all legal aspects of the public works sector has concentrated upon our team, a substantial experience and knowhow building our fame of specialists on the topic.

Family Law

We believe that in family law information is the most valuable factor. The emotional situation plays a critical role in decision making affecting the assets of a person in the future. We help decisions by providing true and unbiased knowledge.
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Property & Contracts

Our office combines legal and notary services for individuals and legal bodies seeking to acquire, construct, finance their property or sell it. We act proactive preparing and writing contracts to describe all possible issues in the future and make the life of our customers easier not complicated and stressed.